Rune Magic 10oz Candles!!
Reiki Infused with a Rune Card pulled from Karen’s Rune Card Deck!
Candles $25 each!! 5 different Charged Candles to choose from.
Each with their own scent, invocation and Rune Card!!
TRUTH - Reiki Infused Crystal Intention Candle
This candle is created to assist in communication with one's true thoughts and feelings.
FRAGRANCE lightly blend with cypress, pine and tonka bean.
AMAZONITE This crystal is assisting one in perceiving the truth for oneself and in others. It can also assist one in communicating higher truths and higher knowledge.
Use this intention candle during meditation.
SUGGESTED INVOCATION I speak and live my highest truth, and I call forth its manifestation in the world.
When you first light the candle, please take some time to connect with it and focus on your vision.
INTUITION - Reiki Infused Crystal Intention Candle
This candle is created to increase our wisdom, understanding and self knowledge.
FRAGRANCE exotic blend with lavender, black amber and Egyptian musk.
MOONSTONE enhances awareness and intuition, and assist one in applying them at the proper time.
Use this intention candle during meditation.
SUGGESTED INVOCATION I call forth the energies of the deep Feminine and I open myself to the inner gifts of the Goddess.
When you first light the candle, please take some time to connect with it and focus on your vision.
COURAGE - Reiki Infused Crystal Intention Candle
This candle is created to assist you to help strengthen your mental focus and bring about clarity.
FRAGRANCE is a refreshing twist of freshly squeezed grapefruit highlighted with hints of mint leaf.
CARNELIAN is a powerful aid to those who wish to build confidence, courage, passion and power within themselves. It lends courage to take the leap and dedicate oneself to a new path. Carnelian can assist those who procrastinate or are unable to decide on a course of action.
Use this intention candle during meditation.
SUGGESTED INVOCATION I am filled with the vital energies of life, and I take action with confidence and power.
When you first light the candle, please take some time to connect with it and focus on your vision.
COOLING - Reiki Infused Crystal Intention Candle
This candle is created to help with calming and cooling and clear communication.
FRAGRANCE crisp blend with lemon zest, marine waters and dark amber.
AQUAMARINE is cooling and soothing to the emotional body and can assist one in speaking clearly.
Use this intention candle during meditation.
SUGGESTED INVOCATION I embody the yielding, cooling power of water, and I express my truth with calm certainty.
When you first light the candle, please take some time to connect with it and focus on your vision.
PURIFICATION - Reiki Infused Crystal Intention Candle
This candle is created to assist with spiritual protection and purification.
FRAGRANCE fresh blend with lemon-lime, lily petals and moss.
AMETHYST stimulates the crown chakra and is an aid to meditation, helping one to still one's thoughts and move into higher states of consciousness.
Use this intention candle during meditation.
SUGGESTED INVOCATION I am purified, uplifted and protected through my connection with the Divine.
When you first light the candle, please take some time to connect with it and focus on your vision.
Rune Magic 10oz Candles!!
Reiki Infused with a Rune Card pulled from Karen’s Rune Card Deck!
Candles $25 each!! 5 different Charged Candles to choose from.
Each with their own scent, invocation and Rune Card!!
TRUTH - Reiki Infused Crystal Intention Candle
This candle is created to assist in communication with one's true thoughts and feelings.
FRAGRANCE lightly blend with cypress, pine and tonka bean.
AMAZONITE This crystal is assisting one in perceiving the truth for oneself and in others. It can also assist one in communicating higher truths and higher knowledge.
Use this intention candle during meditation.
SUGGESTED INVOCATION I speak and live my highest truth, and I call forth its manifestation in the world.
When you first light the candle, please take some time to connect with it and focus on your vision.
INTUITION - Reiki Infused Crystal Intention Candle
This candle is created to increase our wisdom, understanding and self knowledge.
FRAGRANCE exotic blend with lavender, black amber and Egyptian musk.
MOONSTONE enhances awareness and intuition, and assist one in applying them at the proper time.
Use this intention candle during meditation.
SUGGESTED INVOCATION I call forth the energies of the deep Feminine and I open myself to the inner gifts of the Goddess.
When you first light the candle, please take some time to connect with it and focus on your vision.
COURAGE - Reiki Infused Crystal Intention Candle
This candle is created to assist you to help strengthen your mental focus and bring about clarity.
FRAGRANCE is a refreshing twist of freshly squeezed grapefruit highlighted with hints of mint leaf.
CARNELIAN is a powerful aid to those who wish to build confidence, courage, passion and power within themselves. It lends courage to take the leap and dedicate oneself to a new path. Carnelian can assist those who procrastinate or are unable to decide on a course of action.
Use this intention candle during meditation.
SUGGESTED INVOCATION I am filled with the vital energies of life, and I take action with confidence and power.
When you first light the candle, please take some time to connect with it and focus on your vision.
COOLING - Reiki Infused Crystal Intention Candle
This candle is created to help with calming and cooling and clear communication.
FRAGRANCE crisp blend with lemon zest, marine waters and dark amber.
AQUAMARINE is cooling and soothing to the emotional body and can assist one in speaking clearly.
Use this intention candle during meditation.
SUGGESTED INVOCATION I embody the yielding, cooling power of water, and I express my truth with calm certainty.
When you first light the candle, please take some time to connect with it and focus on your vision.
PURIFICATION - Reiki Infused Crystal Intention Candle
This candle is created to assist with spiritual protection and purification.
FRAGRANCE fresh blend with lemon-lime, lily petals and moss.
AMETHYST stimulates the crown chakra and is an aid to meditation, helping one to still one's thoughts and move into higher states of consciousness.
Use this intention candle during meditation.
SUGGESTED INVOCATION I am purified, uplifted and protected through my connection with the Divine.
When you first light the candle, please take some time to connect with it and focus on your vision.